Can I get both my names inscribed on a name necklace as a Valentine's Day gift?

Asked 2 years ago

I am very proud of my two distinct indigenous names. I've always wanted to wear them on jewelry but haven't been able to do so. My friend insisted that I try out name necklaces. I want to get one for Valentine's Day, but I'm unsure if I can have both of my names inscribed.

Name necklace
Name inscriptions
Valentines' day gifts
Rose gold

Nicole Day

Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Name necklaces are a perfect way to show off your unique, indigenous names and it'll allow you to wear them proudly. For name necklaces, you will be allowed a certain number of letters/characters to be inscribed, so depending how long your two names are, you may be able to fit them both onto the same necklace.

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